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FY22 HUD Competition - 12:00:00 PM CST Data Clean-up Deadline APR & PRR
Deadline for agencies to clean up data for APR and Program Recidivism Report (PRR). The APR and PRR data will be used to complete the Rating & Ranking Tool that will be submitted to Rating & Ranking Committee for Scoring.
APR & PRR Dates: 95/01/2021 - 04/30/2022
Any changes made to data after this deadline with NOT be reflected in scored APR
Racine CoC/Alliance Community Members' May Meeting
Meeting material links & community news Our next CoC/Alliance meeting will be held Friday, May 20, 2022, from 9-11 AM. Login begins at 8:45 to get people settled by the 9:00 AM start time. This meeting is open to the public.
Human Trafficking Victim Advocacy Workshop
Fight to End Exploitation has multiple webinars and workshops coming up in April and May. Registration is now open!
All details can be found here:
Multiple Dates | Virtual or In-Person | $50 per person
Register Online:
These workshop(s) are for professionals who are already working within sexual assault services or domestic violence services such as medical staff, shelter staff, county/governmental programs, and or victim case management.
Prior to the workshop(s), participants will be sent ...
Human Trafficking Victim Advocacy Workshop
Fight to End Exploitation has multiple webinars and workshops coming up in April and May. Registration is now open!
All details can be found here:
Multiple Dates | Virtual or In-Person | $50 per person
Register Online:
These workshop(s) are for professionals who are already working within sexual assault services or domestic violence services such as medical staff, shelter staff, county/governmental programs, and or victim case management.
Prior to the workshop(s), participants will be sent ...
New Date for January CoC/Alliance Members' Meeting
January Racine CoC/Alliance Members' Meeting 9:00 a.m. Please join us at 8:45 a.m. so we can begin promptly at 9:00 a.m.
December DHS/CoC Homelessness Provider Forum
Monday, Dec 13, 2021
General Forum Information
9:00 a.m. Welcome/Announcements – Alfred C. Johnson, DHS
9:05 a.m. COVID-19 updates
o Katelynn DeGroot, MPH, Epidemiologist, Bureau of Communicable Disease
9:20 a.m. Medicaid Crash Course
A high-level overview of what it means to be a Medicaid provider, including enrolling as a provider, submitting claims, and a look at our ForwardHealth portal. In addition, this is an opportunity to meet the provider field reps that will be training future supportive housing providers as it gets closer ...
Domestic Abuse Awareness Silent Auction
Women's Resource Center VIRTUAL SILENT AUCTION @WRCRacineWI
October 29-31 Online silent Auction to raise awareness about Domestic Violence. All proceeds help to aid victims and survivors of Domestic Violence.
DHS/CoC Homelessness Forum
DHS CoC Homelessness Forum Agenda 10/25/21
"Tools for Crisis Intervention: Caring for the Individual"
9:00 a.m.-10:15 a.m.
SPEAKER: Aimee Wollman Nesseth, NWWI Healthcare Emergency Readiness Coalition
Please click this URL to join.
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