Standards, Policies and Procedures
Racine CoC Written Standards (policies reviewed 11/08/2021)
- Prevention Standards (reviewed 11/08/2021)
- Rapid Rehousing Standards (reviewed 11/08/2021)
- Shelter Standards (reviewed 11/08/2021)
- Coordinated Entry Written Policies & Procedures (effective 5/13/2021)
- CE Case Staffing Policies & Procedures (effective 5/25/2021)
Racine CoC Section 8 Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHV) (policy created 09/29/2021)
Priority Selection and Workflow Process (effective 9/29/2021/Revised 11/03/2022)
Coordinated Entry Forms
- CE Homeless Assessment Opening Script (effective 12/13/2023)
- Client Rights and Responsibilities (revised 11/2023; effective 12/13/2023)
- Release of Information for CE Staffing (revised 11/2023; effective 12/13/2023)
- Coordinated Entry Prescreening Fillable form (effective 12/13/2023)
- Coordinated Entry Prescreening Print Form (effective 12/13/2023)
- Transfer Request Form (effective 9/22/2021/ proofing updates 12/15/2022)
[Page updated 12/11/2023]