Provider Resources

* Links and documents for determining Income Eligibility [Post Updated 01/28/25]

Income Threshold Calculator via ICA Website  [Post 01/28/25]

CHRONIC HOMELESSNESS - Training material 

Vital Documents cover page* Sample-Chronic-Homelessness-Documentation-Form-2016

* Verification of Disability Cover Letter

* Verification of Disability Provider Form

Flowchart of HUD's Definition of Chronic Homelessness & Documentation Standards for Chronic Homelessness.

[Posted 06/17/24]

* CoC Requirements and Responsibilities Training - From HUD FY22

* McKinney-Vento Information Resources

[Updated 01/28/2025]

* Resilient Wisconsin

When helping others is your calling, asking for help can be difficult. We’re helping Wisconsin’s police officers, firefighters, dispatchers, emergency health care providers, and others learn how to recognize and deal with the effects of secondary trauma through a free training and resource guide.

[Post Updated 01/28/2025]

* National Center for Homeless Education Resources (NCHER)

[Post Updated 06/17/2024]

* USICH COVID Guidance

[Post Updated 01/28/2025]

* CDC Corona Virus Information and Resources

[Post Updated 01/28/2025]