The Continuum of Care for the City and County of Racine's (WI-502) mission is to coordinate organizations throughout the City and County to prevent and end homelessness. The types of services offered by the CoC and Alliance member organizations include street outreach, emergency shelter, transitional housing, rapid re-housing, mental health counseling, health care, civil legal services, and more.
Federal, state, and local governments recognize the CoC as the entity responsible for carrying out the regulatory requirements found in the HUD CoC regulation. These responsibilities include planning, implementing, coordinating, and evaluating a continuum of services to prevent and end homelessness!
If government funding is cut...
2023 AHAR: Part 1 - PIT Estimates of Homelessness in the US
National Alliance to End Homelessness Report: Summary of Public Opinion Polling on Homelessness, June 2024
National Alliance to End Homelessness:
The Continuum of Care does not provide direct services or referrals for services.
We work with service providers that provide those services, such as the HALO shelter, HOPES Center, SAFE Haven of Racine Youth Shelter, and Women's Resource Center of Racine.
If you or someone you know needs services, please click on our link below for Homelessness Resources or connect with 211 Impact for resources available.
CoC FY24.25 HUD Grant Information
Learn about planning and implementing
Racine CoC grant information.
News & Events
Alliance Members' Meeting 8:45am -11:00am
Here is the Zoom link to attend the meeting on February 21st.
If you did not receive the Constant ...
The Point-in-Time (PIT) Count is a count of sheltered and unsheltered people experiencing homelessness on a single night in January. ...
Point in time 2025
THE NEXT POINT-IN-TIME will be Wednesday, January 22, 2025, from 9 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.
Stay up-to-date on
Racine CoC meetings,
updates, opportunities,
and events!