State EHH/ESG Racine CoC/Alliance Informational Meeting

When: Thursday, June 01, 2023, 10:30 AM CST

Where: Zoom link

Who: Homelessness service providers that meet the criteria 

Agenda for 6/01/23 MeetingLead Agency, Allocation, ESG/HPP Application Input, HAP Application

WhatESG and HPP funding are combined and allocated to one lead applicant in each HUD-recognized COC or local homeless coalition.  The lead applicant and sub-recipient applicants may apply for this funding under six different project types: administration, emergency shelter, homeless management information systems (HMIS), homelessness prevention, rapid re-housing, and street outreach. Each HUD COC or local homeless coalition decides how to best divide funding between project types and applicants by considering local needs and project performance.

The Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), Housing Assistance Program (HAP), and Homeless Prevention Program (HPP) are collectively referred to as the EHH Program. For more specific information on this funding, refer to the WI DOA DHECR website.  

HOW: Email Gai & Teresa at to get access to see if you would qualify to apply. 

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