Homelessness Forum—Monday, May 15, 2023, 9–10 a.m.
The following Wisconsin Homelessness Forum will occur on Monday, May 15, 2023, from 9–10 a.m.
The Wisconsin Homelessness Forum aims to share and discuss local, state, and federal guidance and best practice strategies; and introduce evidence-based tools to bridge the gap between homeless service systems and human service and public health systems resulting in enhanced collaboration. If you want to view past forums, please visit the Homelessness Forum webpage.
Add the Zoom appointment to your calendar.
9 a.m.: Welcome and announcements—Alfred C. Johnson, Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS)
9:05 a.m.: COVID-19 updates—Katelynn Kirkpatrick, Logan Broenniman, and Deepti Ravikumar, Department of Health Services
9:15 a.m.: Recovery Voucher Grant Overview— Emily Bourne, Grants Specialist, Department of Administration
9:50 a.m.: Question and answer period
10 a.m.: Adjourn