Immigration and Homelessness

The information and resources on this page are designed to educate those in the homelessness services ecosystem of Racine County. This includes information and resources on issues and topics centering on legislation, policies, and government action that may impact the delivery system of homelessness services. It does not constitute any legal opinion or advice, nor is it designed to be used to lobby government officials who may have found their way to this page. 

I will update this page as soon as new information becomes available.

  1. National Immigration Law Center: “Know Your Rights: What to Do if You are Arrested or Detained by Immigration” Espanol | English [Posted 01/28/2025]
  2. National Homelessness Law Center: “ICE Raid Guidance for Homeless Service Providers” [Posted 01/28/2025]
  3. “A Guide for Employers: What to Do if Immigration Comes to Your Workplace” EspanolEnglish [Posted 01/28/2025]
  4. Presidential Action: Protecting the American People Against Invasion, Executive Order, January 20, 2025 [Posted 01/28/2025]