FY24 HUD CoC Renewal Intentions
Please respond to the following questions.
1. Do you plan on submitting a renewal application for your project(s)?
2. Do you wish to reduce the project voluntarily? If so, how much funding could be reallocated to allow the project to continue to be feasible?
Please note: A voluntary (vs. involuntary) reduction can occur between now and the final project ranking/selection decision. However, if you are thinking of a voluntary reduction, it would be helpful for all of us to know sooner than later. Projects with a history of underspending or performance concerns may be subject to an involuntary reduction, and those funds will then be available for expansion and new projects. The involuntary reductions are based on the scoring criteria used by the Rating, Ranking, and Evaluation Committee, not by the Lead Agency
3. Do you wish to expand a current project or submit a proposal for a new project?
a. If yes, please explain in a few short paragraphs what you are proposing and include the project type (PSH, RRH, CE, HMIS, etc.); whether expansion or new; amount; and if PSH or RRH, the proposed number of units and beds. This information is for planning purposes.
Your responses to these questions are due to me no later than Wednesday, August 07, 2024, by 11:59:59 PM CT. Please send your question responses to racinecocorg@gmail.com and cc treinders@haloinc.org and glorenzen@haloinc.org. Please put HUD NOFO FY24: Renewal Intention into your subject line.